24 August 2005


purchase 2005
Russian Information Agency Novosti
Government determines intervention purchase prices for corn http://en.rian.ru/business/20050824/41220512.html
MOSCOW, August 24 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian Agriculture Ministry set prices for third-class corn at 3,100 rubles ($109, or 88.81) and 3,300 rubles ($116, or �94.54) per metric ton for the intervention period Wednesday.

Just Drinks,
UK: Greene King purchase leads to rating cut
Greene King has had its share recommendation lowered.

The Age, Wed, 24 Aug 2005 7:52 AM PDT
Ramsay has to sell off to seal Affinity purchase http://www.theage.com.au/news/business/ramsay-has-to-sell-off-to-seal-affinity-purchase/2005/08/24/1124562921334.html
PRIVATE hospital operator Ramsay Health Care must sell additional hospitals to appease the competition regulator over its $1.4 billion acquisition of Affinity Health.

Federal grant to purchase new radios for Laurel rescue squad http://www.gazette.net/200533/princegeorgescty/updates/290887-1.html
A new federal grant will help the Laurel Volunteer Rescue Squad upgrade its radios, facilitating communication with surrounding counties when responding to calls outside Laurel.

Purchase Order Exceeding $400,000 Will Inevitably Transpire into $8,000,000 Worth of Contracts in the Short Future for http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/050824/245411.html?.v=1
D Mecatronics Inc.

Taiwan's mega arms package may finally win approval after budget trimmed

TAIPEI Taiwan's plan for a huge US arms purchase may finally win parliamentary approval after the military agreed to trim its cost by more than four billion dollars, officials said.

Pepsi Launches Mountain Dew Pitch Black II
PURCHASE, N.Y.: Pepsi-Cola North America today announced that it will launch Mountain Dew Pitch Black II for a ten-week period from now until November.

CentralOhio.com, Wed, 24 Aug 2005 6:29 AM PDT
Tim Horton's picks South Zanesville for new site http://www.centralohio.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/BA/20050824/NEWS01/508240304/1002&template=BA
ZANESVILLE - Plans to bring a new Tim Horton's restaurant to the area took a huge step forward last week with the company's purchase of nearly an acre of property in the village of South Zanesville.

County may use home fee to offset tax http://www.centralohio.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/BF/20050824/NEWS01/508240303/1002&template=BF
NEWARK -- Licking County residents could pay an additional fee on the purchase of a home, as well as a sales tax increase, to help the county balance next year's budget.

Photo available for purchase http://www.southeasttexaslive.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=15088015&BRD=2287&PAG=461&dept_id=512588&rfi=6
Mark Clapp, owner of the fuel system installation and service company Precision Petroleum, shows how high-tech thieves access the innards of gas pumps to steal fuel.