07 September 2005

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!

It's that time of year again. You know what I'm talking
about...Sunday afternoon parties, chips and dip, tailgating
and football!

Baseball may be the nation's pastime, but there is no more
devoted sports follower than the football fan. And you need
your football updates every day! Welcome to NFL NEWS!

Get off the sidelines and into the game with NFL News. Get
the behind-the-scenes news, standings and important infor-
mation on the players, teams and coaches from pre-season to
the Super Bowl. NFL News is going daily as soon as the season starts, so
start your subscription now. Just click on the link below
and look for NFL News! http://www.gophercentral.com Look for NFL News

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EVTV1 Insider (Weekly) The 'creative thinkers' at GopherCentral.com have come up
with something a little different. It's called EVTV1. Think of it as your own personal digitial video network. Every week this newsletter will give you new and hot video clips you can view for free online. Using state-of-the-art streaming technology you get comedy clips, entertainment, music, bizarre features, news and more...whatever you want! Just click the link and look for "EVTV1 Insider" at the top
of the page!

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Defibrillator Recall...
50,000 cardiac defibrillators have already been recalled.
Additional recalls may only be days away. You should know
that anyone with a cardiac defibrillator may be at risk of
heart attack, stroke, or death. You owe it to yourself, or
a loved one, to fill out this 60 sec. free evaluation to
see if you are entitled to receive compensation for your
pain and suffering. There is no obligation so visit:

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